Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Getting ready for the Festa Major de Gracia

You can't even play soccer in the squares anymore cuz they are filled with decorations!

This is going to look cool! 
Weird!  What are they going to do with those chairs???
Today we walked around our neighbourhood and watched everyone preparing the amazing decorations for the Gracia Festival which starts in a few days.  The streets looked FAB-U-LOUS!!! There is a Star Wars theme street and a wild west street and a Zeus (lightning and heaven) street and one street with a bunch of weird boxes that I’m not sure what it was. There is also a street with some colored panels hanging in the air that looks really cool.  I also played some soccer in the Placa  del Sol. We also spent some time at our flat having a dance party.  One of the main albums that we are listening to is the Frank Ocean album – it seems to make my parents happy! I’ve put a link to one of the songs below.  By the way we finished the first part of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tobin!

    I love that flying strange magical dude. I can't wait to see the pictures from the festival.

    Find out what Hoda Hoda's name is.
