Tuesday 4 August 2015

Arrivederci Roma!

Circus Maximus.  Looks like something out of Star Wars

Peeping Tobin

The pyramid from 15 BC!!!

The Protestant Cemetary
Today we woke up, had breakfast, then went out exploring. First we walked to a crazy used book store! At the book store there were no good books. So me and Mia just went and got croissants, which were really good! After we walked for a looooooooooooooooonggggggggggg time until we finally got to the top of this hill where you looked through a keyhole to a garden and there was a pathway directly lined up with the big duomo of the St. Peter Basilica. It was so amazing! After staring into the keyhole, we walked to a really crazy cemetery. And when we got there we saw a hugeeeee pyramid that was B.C! (Before Christ) It was awesome because this pyramid was about as far as the Summerhill winery pyramid from our house to our house in Rome! The cemetery was very special because it is where the creator of Frankenstein is. Like the real deal. She made him up. She was the creator! After we saw Mary Shelley's grave, we walked around the cemetery for a bit longer looking for a different famous guy! But we couldn't find him so we left. Then we took a taxi home and chilled for a bit before mom and dad went out to a bar and we started working on mom's b-day present for tomorrow! We each made a card and then we went out and got her a beautiful designer ring and some "vintage" chocolate, "not" from a mini market! Then mom and dad came back and we went back to the Tiber River once more! We got there and I got classic
Love, and so did Mia and we got French fries as usual. Oh and before we got a real dinner! I got a cheese quesadilla and corn on the cob. So did Mia. It was really good! After everything we went home, packed a couple more things, then went to bed. Last day of Rome! Pretty awesome!
Fun fact: At the cemetery there were like 200,000 ants all running everywhere and I put my hand in the middle of them and they all climbed on my hand and started pinching me!

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