Thursday 13 August 2015


Checking out the ruins
Fascinating information!
Drinking from the ancient water fountain in POMPEII!!!!
This morning we woke up and were immediately amazed at how awesome the breakfast at Villa Ketty was! So many new, fresh foods!! Unfortunately, they weren't really things I like. So my breakfast consisted of a croissant, another croissant, an egg, and then a peach, a nectarine, a plum, another plum, a pear, and twelve strawberries! 

 After a fruity breakfast we went to see the world famous...POMPEII!!! Ay Ay oh Ay oh Ay Ay oh Ay oh x 2! We took a train and right when we got off was none other than Pompeii!!! We were ready to walk in buttttt then we saw the line up of around 200 people! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHGHGHGHGHGH!!!!! We made mom and dad wait in line while Mia and I got slushies :))) Finally we got to the front of the line and went into Pompeii. We explored all of Pompeii and it was amazing. Crazy artwork that survived the catastrophe! Dead people! Colosseums! Pyramids! And other really awesome stuff! My favourite was probably the dead people.

After exploring all of Pompeii, we took the train home. When we got home we did the usual: swimming, chilling, and just anything, really. For dinner we got a pizza from the same place as yesterday, but a guy came and delivered it on a little scooter with a wooden delivery box strapped to the back of it. We also watched the sunset which was very beautiful. Then we went to bed!

Fun Fact: At Pompeii, I figured out a way to strap the audio guide to my hat so I could listen to it without holding on to it. Pompeii was really cool.

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