Monday 17 August 2015

The Colosseum

Our window looks out right on the COLOSSEUM!!!!
Coolest Nana ever

Inside the Colosseum at night

Today we woke up packed our stuff...and had to lug it up all those stairs to the road. Like, hundreds of stairs and all our heavy bags!!!! No problem for me though :))) At the top we met our personal driver, Roberto, so he could drive us to the train station in Salerno. The whole drive no one said anything:? When we got to train we said our goodbyes to Roberto and hopped on the train to Rome! The whole train I listened to music on dad's phone because my iPad was being dumb :(( But dad has some good songs :) When we arrived in Rome we got a taxi to drive us to where we were staying. While checking in some crazy guy from England was freaking out because he said they were scamming him which they weren't....he was just crazy! After a long time of watching the "scam" business, we finally got into our room....andddddd it is amazing! The view is crazy! It is the Colosseum! The one and only right in front of our eyes! As close as you could get with a hotel! We got settled for a bit.....and then.......the coolest person I know came into the room! It was none other than the one and only....NANA MARY! Yayayayuayayayayayayayayayyayayayaayay Celebrate good times come on! Dooo Dooo Dooo Dooo! Celebrate good times! Nana is with us for the rest of the kid's trip!!!!!! We got settled and told stories to Nana! After chillin for a bit we went for dinner and saw the sunset over the Colosseum! For dinner I just had spaghetti:) After rushing through dinner we made it just in time for our night tour of the Colosseum! Which was awesome! We got to see all around the Colosseum, like where the fights were held and where the people would sit to watch the fights! We even went under where they fought and saw where they kept the slaves and did work! Also there was an area where there were things that were like 3500 BC (Before Christ)!!!!!!!! It was so crazy and awesome! After the amazing tour of the Colosseum we went back to the house and I face timed Nic and we played games and then we went to bed! Another day in Rome is always good!

Fun Fact: The Colosseum is from 80 yeah 80 as in it is 2015 right now and take away all that and make it 80 that's when it was made! But 3500 BC is crazier! It's like -3500 so before they started counting the years!

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