Thursday 6 August 2015

Negombo Thermal Spa

Sea...or pool???

The Japanese hot-cold pools

Chilling in the hammock
Today we woke up, had breakfast in our hotel, chilled for a bit and then got ready to leave for some crazzzzyy hot springs! Since taxis are so much money it's crazy...and we don't have a car...and there are nooooo metros...we took the bus. Which, like usual, was crammed! After a long half an hour of being crammed in a bus, we got to the hot springs! First we went down to the beach for a bit and went swimming. Then we went to check out the hot springs. The first hot spring we all went to was this awesome one where it was like burning hot water, then freezing cold water!?! But it felt really nice. After that, we went up to this little pool with lots of jets and this other one where it was just a chill hot one. The next one we went to had big water showers splashing down where you would get massaged and we stayed there for a long time. Who doesn't love massages??? Then it was the cave. A cave deep in the mountain filled with refreshing water! Before I went in, some crazy guy told me there was a snake in the cave and I freaked out and got scared! But he was kidding so we went into the cave. Later was another sort of cave pool where there was just a big warm pool in a cave, some pounding water showers and freezing cold water you dump on each other in buckets. And there was this little pool in the side of the cave that said WARNING BLAH BLAH BLAH and we thought it was suppppppppeeerrrrrr hottttttttt but it turns out it just said, "WARNING DEEP 2 METERS. So we went in. Then we went back to the beach, had some food and yummy chocolate and then we had free time. Mia and I found these two American girls and we played with them for a long time. We went in all the pools, talked, chilled and then we couldn't find our parents.  But after looking for a long time, we saw dad and at the same time they saw their mom so it was all good. We said goodbye to our new friends, got all our stuff, then bused home. After the hot springs mom and dad went out to have a crazy dinner and we stayed here and had pizza for dinner:) Today was great!

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