Monday 20 July 2015

A Full Day of Playing at the Villa

Inside the villa

Playing cards with Francisco and Andreas

Swimming with Francisco

Our backyard
This morning we woke up to a full day of playing with the all the kids here at the villa! First, Mia and I went to the pool for about half an hour by ourselves and then Skyler and Chloe, the two girls we met yesterday from America, came to the pool and we played cards for along time. First we played Go Fish and Chloe won in the first 20 seconds! Then we played a game called BS where you put the cards down in order and u try to get rid of your cards and if you think someone didn't put the right card down u call BS and they have to take the whole pile but if they did put the right one down, then u have to take the rest of the pile.  Anyway, Mia won :)Then we played Slap Jack where everyone puts down a card and when there is a jack you have to slap it. Whoever slaps it first gets all the cards and first person to get all the cards wins! This time I was the winner!  Then Skyler and Chloe left for good...but I guess not because they were back in 10 minutes saying they had a flat tire!!! So we played with them for a bit longer then they left for real.  Francisco, the 11 year old, came along being his crazy self! And his 13 year old brother, Andrea, came out to play too. First we just talked and then we started making a horror movie! The plot was there was a monster lurking around and was killing people. I was the monster! So Andrea was like, "I have the money!" And Mia said, "Give it to me" and then I hid behind the side of the pool and stuck my hand up and grabbed Mia and pulled her in! Then I killed Francisco and then Andrea killed me! The end. After the movie, we played Uno and of course...I didn't win, Mia did:(( Then we rested for a bit and I went and got Francisco to go swimming! We swam for about 2 hours and then I took a shower! Then we played dodge ball?! I'm really good at dodge ball so I was sniping kids and dodging but my team didn't win. Finally it was time for dinner! For dinner mom made an amazing feast in the kitchen in our house! There was fish, potatoes, salad, and green beans! So many great things! After dinner we chilled for a bit longer and then these people from Poland arrived here and me and Francisco played soccer and the youngest Polander came and played soccer with us! His name was Kuba and he was really funny! When Kuba left we kept playing soccer (futbol) with all of the kids, and we played World Cup and of course I won most of the times because I'm Messi quality! After three hours of World Cup it was about midnight so we went in and went to bed! First full day in the Tuscany was great!

Fun fact: I did one hundred dives off the diving board today.

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