Wednesday 8 July 2015


The back of the Duomo

Waiting for dinner at the canal

A young boy (*young, stunning, handsome, one-of-a-kind, better then Messi at soccer and gets all the ladies, boy*) wakes up in his bed in Milan. He is very tired and jet leg. It is 11:00 AM and the boy is starving out of his mind! He goes into the living room and begs his mum for food. After about 20 minutes the young boy, who was barely alive at the moment, was greeted by what he thought was going to be a wonderful dish that is top quality but was actually half a cold pizza! The boy was quite upset but since he was so hungry, he ate it…and surprisingly it was good :) That is a story of a young boy waking up! 

After I ate my pizza, our family went down to a little café in front of our flat. I wasn’t really hunger because I had just eaten the delicious cold pizza so I didn’t get anything. After the café we went to look for the Duomo church. The Duomo church is a huge church in Milan rated 3rd largest church in Europe! We walked for about 10 minutes until we got there. On the way there we stopped at another little place to get something to cool us down. I got a Fanta, of course! I was enjoying my delicious Fanta when, just like any other drink I’ve got on the trip so far, Mia asked for a sip! She honestly asks for a sip of everything I get! Fanta, fruit juice, orange Juice, apple Juice, water, sparkling water, slurpees! I mean everything! So me being the gentleman I am…… I never gave her a sip because I was so annoyed that she asked me for like the GaZillionth time! Anyways, also on the walk there was the big gold room that had all these fancy stores in it. Prada, Versace, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and my all-time favorite, McDonalds! There were all the fancy stores and then there was just a McDonalds in with them! It was crazy! 

At the Duomo we were greeted by people trying to force bracelets on our hands and take our money, but no way Jose! There was a huge line up to get tickets for the Duomo, like a half an hour wait, so we made our dad wait in the line while we hid in stores that are air conditioned. Finally our dad got the tickets and we were ready to get into the church when the tickets people showed us a sign that your shoulders and knees have to be covered and of course Mia is wearing spaghetti straps and really short shorts! So we had to go to H&M to get her new clothes. I was happy because I love getting fancy clothes and such but this H&M had no boys stuff for my age!!! And the crazy thing is this H&M was four stories high. Like who has a four story clothing store and not have clothes for boys my age?! I was fine with it though. Mia got a dress and when she bought it I thought it looked good in her hand but then she put it on and she looked so funny. A full body dress with some animal, which I is think is a cat, spread all around it. And her glasses just completed the outfit. It was hilarious but it would have to work. 

So we went into the Duomo and it was soooooo beautiful, almost more beautiful than myself. Yes, I just said that. In the church there was stained glass everywhere and so many statues. It was magnificent! In the church we went to some guy’s coffin and it was very fascinating. After we looked inside the Duomo we walked up around 300 stairs to get to the top of the church and see the whole city! When we got to the top we were hit with the beautiful sight of Milan. At the top I got a crazy idea to start a @TobinWhipsInItaly, Instagram account where every place we went I would make a video of me doing the whip and nae nae in special places. So I get Mia to video me doing the modern day whip and nae nae dance with the amazing view of Milan. When we get down from the Duomo and go somewhere else I look at the video and she didn’t even get the view, she just got me in the video! Classic move Mimi! 

After the Duomo we went into the mall and got some food from a restaurant on the 7th floor of the mall! At the restaurant I got spaghetti and it was delizioso. After we went home to rest for a bit and I made a really weird video of me shooting things and it’s the most random video ever. After chilling at the flat we went outside to catch a cab. Butttttt….we didn’t catch one because we found out later supposedly taxis can’t stop on the road. We decided to try and take the metro train thingy ma jig but when we were waiting this random dude on a moped asked if we needed help and we told him the situation so he told us we could catch taxis at a sign that said Taxi on it so he showed us where one was and we got a taxi. The taxi took us to a big canal called Navigli where there is just restaurants and stores all the way down it. So we chose a restaurant but it was full so we waited for half an hour until it was ready and we ate our food. I just ate some of the food the fam got and it was good but the texture was weird so I didn’t eat much. After we walked along the canal for a bit then took a taxi home. At home Mia and mom watched The Bachelorette and I just went on my iPad and then I went to bed. The day was super fun and I would do the whole day again if I could!

Fun Fact: There are 3,200 statues at the Duomo! 

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