Saturday 18 July 2015

The Leaning Tower of PISA

Classic shot holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

We're a little scared to go in...what if it tips over!?!?
The Duomo in Florence

This morning we woke up had breakfast, which was classic scrambled eggs, and headed straight to the train station. The first train was only 10 minutes long and we just had to stand in the bottom area and we were really crammed! Then we waited for 20 minutes and took an hour and a half train and I just listened to music the whole time:) When we got to the train station we stored our luggage and waited for a bus to take us to the leaning tower of Pisa! When we got there we were instantly surprised at how flipping tilted it is!!!!!!!!!! First we went into the big church which was very beautiful. Then we went into the tower. At first there was an introduction and the whole time we felt tilted! Then we got to go to the top. We had to walk up around 300 stairs. At the top it felt so leany. It kind of made my stomach hurt! After we went to bottom and I made a whip video and we took the bus back. We grabbed our luggage and then got on the next train. The whole train ride I just listened to music for the whole time! And the first hour I just listened to the Mii plaza theme song on the wii on repeat:))) Who knows why! When we got to Florence we walked to our flat and got settled in. We were all very tired so we rested for a bit and then went out to see the famous bridges. They were very beautiful and we got to... Oh wait, I forgot my classic line! The bridges were almost more beautiful than me! Yes, I just said that!!!!!!:)))))))) Okay, so we got to see the sunset from the bridge, which was amazing! After we went for dinner at a place recommended to us by the owner of our flat. At the restaurant I just ate off the food my family got. But to drink I got Fanta! And like usually Mimi asked for a drink!! Classic Mimi:'(!!!!:))) At dinner this crazy kid kept shooting a toy bow and whenever it shot he would dance and make funny noises and he kept laughing at us and dancing for us! I would say he is 4 or 5 years old. He reminded me of my cousin, Riley ;) After dinner this photo shoot was set up in the piazza for an expedition so me and Mimi did it.  Eventually mom and dad came and we got a family shot! I think I was the most attractive in the picture, of course:) On the walk home we stopped at a carousel. And of course we saw the same crazy kid there...still shooting his bow and dancing!!!!!:)))) Also we stopped for gelato and went across the Ponte Vecchio, an even more famous bridge than the first one! When we got home we just chilled and then went to bed! End statement: Florence is very beautiful! Almost more..... Good bye!

Fun fact: All your extra bags and things in your pocket had to be stored away in a room when u went in the tower of Pisa to take away extra weight so there is less chance of it tipping?¿!

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